Outside In Gallery

The Outside In Gallery is MoNA’s Education Gallery, which is dedicated to amplifying the voices of our community. If you are involved with a local organization or group and are interested in co-curating an exhibition in the Outside In Gallery, please contact us at education@museumofnwart.org.

Outside In Gallery es la galería educativa de MoNA, que se dedica a amplificar las voces de nuestra comunidad. Si participa en una organización o grupo local y está interesado en organizar una exposición en Outside In Gallery, escribanos a education@museumofnwart.org.

  • Current Exhibition

    Click the button below to learn more about the current exhibition.

  • Upcoming Exhibitions

    Click the button below to learn more about upcoming exhibitions in the Outside In Gallery.

  • Past Exhibitions

    Click the button below to visit the Outside In Gallery Archives.

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