continuum… continued
June 22 - September 22, 2019
Curated by Susan Parke, Director Emeritus
Exhibition Date: June 22 - September 22, 2019
Reception Date: Saturday, June 22, 2019 - 2:00pm
continuum... continued is an edited visual history of Northwest art from about the 1930s to the present.
It opens with works from the Museum’s permanent collection, featuring the original NW Mystics; Mark Tobey, Morris Graves, Kenneth Callahan and Guy Anderson.
The next chapter explores works by their acolytes and younger contemporaries; Leo Kenney, Richard Gilkey, Clayton and Barbara James, Paul Horiuchi, and others.
Susan Parke
Director Emeritus
Guest Curator
Morris Graves, Spirit Bird, 1950, Tempera on paper, 10” x 15”
2004.142.013, MoNA, gift of The Catterall Collection
Clayton James, Barbara, c. 2007, Oil on panel, 28” x 25.5”
2017.546.040, MoNA, gift of the Estate of Clayton James
James Washington, Jr., Kinship of Life I, 1970, Granite, 55” x 16” x 16”
2003.027.001, MoNA, gift of Marshall and Helen Hatch
Mark Tobey, Meditative Series #6, 1954, Tempera on paper, 17.25” x 11”
1986.009.002, MoNA, gift of John Hauberg and Anne Gould Hauberg