Raven Skyriver
October 14, 2017 - January 7, 2018
Exhibition Dates: October 14, 2017 thru January 7, 2018
Reception Date: October 14, 2017 - 1pm
Stanwood-based glass artist Raven Skyriver focuses primarily on marine animals in his work. Inspired by the natural setting of his childhood living on a small island in Puget Sound, Skyriver continuously pushes the boundaries of glass to present his viewers life-like representations of salmon, whales and other aquatic creatures. He brings years of meticulous training and experience to the contemporary glass scene, and currently teaches workshops around the world.
Raven Skyriver, Forage, 2014, Wall installation with sea otters
Raven Skyriver, Descend, 2015, Blown, off-hand sculpted and sandblasted glass, 30” x 42” x 15”
Collection of the Museum of Glass, Tacoma, Washington, gift of the Artist (VA.2016.15)
Raven Skyriver, Pounce (detail), 2014, Glass
Courtesy of the Artist
Raven Skyriver, Gravitation - Humpback Whale, 2016, Off hand sculpted and cut glass, 21” x 10” x 36”
Courtesy of the Artist
Raven Skyriver, Forage (detail), 2015, glass
Courtesy of the Artist
Raven Skyriver, Apex, 2017, Off hand sculpted glass
Courtesy of Private Collection
Raven Skyriver, Pounce (detail), 2015, glass
Courtesy of the Artist