Outside In Gallery Archives
Standing, Still / En pie, aún
July 3 - October 10, 2021
The Outside In Gallery is MoNA’s Education Gallery, which is dedicated to amplifying the voices of our community. If you are involved with a local organization or group and are interested in co-curating an exhibition in the Outside In Gallery, please contact us at education@museumofnwart.org. Visit the Outside In Gallery Archives to view other past exhibitions or visit our Upcoming Exhibitions page to see what’s coming up.
Outside In Gallery es la galería educativa de MoNA, que se dedica a amplificar las voces de nuestra comunidad. Si participa en una organización o grupo local y está interesado en organizar una exposición en Outside In Gallery, escribanos a education@museumofnwart.org. Visite las páginas Outside In Gallery Archives para ver las exposiciones pasadas o Upcoming Exhibitions page para ver las exposiciones que están por venir.
Special thanks to Tim Mickleburgh for providing all the photographs on this page.
Solitude in a Room of One’s Own by Jody Joldersma, Seattle WA. 2016. Acrylic, paper, photograph, pencil, on wood. 24” x 18”
Beating Covid-19 to Death by Lynn Whitford, Madison, WI. 2020. Copper. 13.5” x 7” x 7” Courtesy of Traver Gallery.
Chinatown Resiliency by Monyee Chau, Seattle, WA. 2020. Screen printed poster. 11” x 17”
Yellow Bungalow by Miggie Wong, Buffalo, NY & Los Angeles, CA. 2021. Mixed media; felt. 4” x 4” Round Storefront by Miggie Wong, Buffalo, NY & Los Angeles, CA. 2021. Mixed media; felt. 4” x 4” Peach Double by Miggie Wong, Buffalo, NY & Los Angeles, CA. 2021. Mixed media; felt. 4” x 4”
Untitled 220 by barry johnson, Federal Way, WA. 2021. Latex on oil paper. 24” x 36”
paper chain 38, day 348 by Blair Goldstein, New Orleans, LA. 2020. Oil on paper. 4” x 79”
Fractured Mind by Burke Smithers, Kenmore, WA. 2020. Digital illustration. 22” x 18”
In Place by Dawn Laurant, Kirkland, WA. 2020. Oil on panel. 16” x 16” x 1.5”
Stop by Lisa Sheets, Kenmore, WA. 2020. Mixed media collage on paper. 8” x 8”
Digital Escape by Lorena Krause, Langley, BC. 2020. Hand sculpted metal repoussé, acrylics and plaster on surgical mask. 12.5” x 5.5” x 8”
Cristina by Ries Niemi, Bow, WA. 2020. Machine embroidery and paint on lokta paper. 8.5” x 11”
Sterling Magee by Ries Niemi, Bow, WA. 2021. Machine embroidery and paint on lokta paper. 8.5” x 11”
Standing, Still
Bruised, but never beaten. Lonely, but not alone. Standing, Still represents strength and unity in times of struggle. This exhibition strives to capture both the societal standstill caused by the pandemic and the resiliency of communities, who have emerged still standing after their experiences. Eleven artists explore the topic of COVID-19 through first-person narratives and creative expression. Selected quotes from each artist accompany their work on the wall, creating a united narrative of individual stories.
Standing, Still is co-curated by Danielle New and Hanna Corneliussen, emerging museum professionals and students at the University of Washington Museology Graduate Program. Standing, Still uses the documented link between storytelling and empathy to promote mutual understanding and compassion for others.
This exhibit takes place on the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish people, a people who have occupied and cared for this land since time immemorial. This land acknowledgement does not take the place of authentic relationships with indigenous communities.
En pie, aún
Herido, pero no vencido. Solitario, pero no solo. Standing, Still representa la fuerza y la unidad en tiempos de lucha. Esta exposición trata de capturar tanto el estancamiento social causado por la pandemia como la resistencia de las comunidades, que han surgido aún de pie después de sus experiencias. Once artistas exploran el tema de la COVID-19 a través de relatos en primera persona y de la expresión creativa. Citas seleccionadas de cada artista acompañan su trabajo en la pared, creando una narrativa unida de historias individuales.
Standing, Still está comisariada por Danielle New y Hanna Corneliussen, profesionales emergentes de los museos y estudiantes del Programa de Postgrado en Museología de la Universidad de Washington. Standing, Still utiliza el vínculo documentado entre la narración de historias y la empatía para promover la comprensión mutua y la compasión por los demás.
Esta exposición se imparte sobre las tierras ancestrales del pueblo Salish de la Costa, un pueblo que ha ocupado y ha cuidado de esta tierra desde tiempos inmemoriales. Este reconocimiento de la tierra no sustituye a las relaciones auténticas con las comunidades indígenas.
More from this exhibition:
Listen to interviews with 10 of the 11 artists featured in this exhibition here.
The Outside In Gallery is made possible through generous grants from the Skagit Community Foundation and US Bank.