Through Their Eyes
A Northwest Youth Services Photography Project
January 20 - March 25, 2018
Exhibition Date: January 20, 2018 to March 25, 2018
Reception Date: Saturday, January 20, 2018 - 2:00pm
During June and July of 2017, eighteen at-risk, runaway and homeless youth in Bellingham were supplied with disposable cameras and asked to participate in a project with Northwest Youth Services to document their experiences and share life through their lens.
This Winter, MoNA will host Through Their Eyes, a display of the youth photography created through this collaboration. Through Their Eyes aims to inspire, challenge, and encourage viewers to join in building a communitywhere every young person has a place to belong.
The Northwest Youth Services Photography Project was designed with the wish to empower these young people to tell their own unique and personal stories in an artful way. Not just an opportunity for professional development, this project provided a medium for creative self-expression and gave a voice to those often not heard.
“Marcos”, In Search Of, 2017, Photography
Courtesy of the Artist and Northwest Youth Services Youth Photography Project
“Ashley”, If a tent’s a house, is this a porch?, 2017, Photography
Courtesy of the Artist and Northwest Youth Services Youth Photography Project