Mapping Transition, Displacement, and Agency in Times of Climate Change
October 14, 2023 — January 21, 2024
Curated by Chloe Dye Sherpe
In partnership with the Skagit Climate Science Consortium, MoNA is bringing back Surge: Mapping Transition, Displacement, and Agency in Times of Climate Change, an exhibition drawing attention to climate change and its tangible effects on the Northwest’s Coastal communities.
As in the previous editions, Surge: Mapping Transition, Displacement, and Agency in Times of Climate Change will engage artists to work with environmental researchers and educators to present the public with new perspectives on issues such as flooding, storm surge, coastal erosion, glacier retreat, through exhibits, lectures and education programs as well as participatory art activities.
Surge: Mapping Transition, Displacement, and Agency in Times of Climate Change is predicated on the idea that artists and scientists can together bring unique problem-solving skills to address important community challenges.
As global average temperatures rise, glaciers recede, and extreme weather events such as droughts, heat waves, and large storms become more frequent, ecosystems and communities are profoundly affected.
Climate change is a journey to an unknown, liminal place requiring adaptation, interdependence, and resiliency. This journey is often unmapped, and for some communities who have until recently lived in unison with the environment, this journey is literal.
Under the pressure of a rapidly changing climate, plants, animals, and humans adapt and embark on paths of both transition and displacement through unknown territories. The ripples of these transitions compound to undo learned experiences and community memories developed through millennia.
But in these challenges is also resilience. People, plants, and animals continue to illustrate their capacity to adapt and connect during these times of uncertainty. We continue to learn as our communities constantly map both their geographies and unknown future. What does resilience and agency during the climate crisis look like? How can we as a society learn from the changes impacting our local and global neighbors, both human and nonhuman, to move forward in a restorative way?
Crista VanSlyck Matteson, Diatom Meadow (detail), 2023, Kiln cast, flame worked and pate de verre glass with mixed media, 8’ x 6’ x 4’
Kandis Susol, Radical Compassion, encaustic sculpture, artist made Kozo paper, wax, resin, and iridescent pigment
Photo courtesy of Andrew Adkins.
Natalie Niblack, 66 Birds/3 Degrees, 2022-2023, Oil on canvas
Mary Coss, Roots of the Witness Tree 1850-2050 (detail), 2023, Steel, wire, sale, bronze and light, 6' x 6' x 7'
Tesla Kawakami, If The Tide Came and Stayed, 2023, Oil on acrylic, 76" x 52"
Lucia Enriquez, The Memory of Water, 2023, Mixed media, 84” x 42” x 8”
Natalie Niblack, Pine Grosbeak, 2022-2023, Oil on canvas, 18" x 18"
Melinda Hurst Frye, Regeneration I, 2023, Photograph (archival digital print), 40" x 50"
Nina Vichayapai, Restoration of the Fir Island Farms Estuary (detail), 2023, Hand sewn fabric on wood panel, 144" x 48" x 1"
Ann Chadwick Read, Mudflat Plunder, 2023, handcut paper pencil and quilted fabric, 70” x72”

Selected Artists
Thank you to all the artists and scientists who submitted proposals for Surge 2023. Proposals have been reviewed, and the selected proposals for 2023 have been selected.
Learn more about MoNA’s Surge 2018 Exhibition!
Surge Education Highlights
Please explore the range of Educational Programming associated with this exhibition. You can download the full list of educational programming as a poster to print or view digitally. The gallery guide can be found here.
Here are some highlights from the archives of this exhibition:
Blog Post Surge: Fostering Critical Discussions Between Artists and Scientists
MoNA Moments Podcast On Surge 2023: An Interview With Chloe Dye Sherpe, Jackie Qataliña Schaeffer, and Jamie Donatuto
Notes from Government & Resiliency Panel
Skagit Valley Herald Article: Museum of Northwest Art Hosts Origami Class
Skagit Valley Herald Article: Museum of Northwest Art holds panel discussion on climate change resiliency (Skagit Valley Herald)
La Conner Weekly News Article: MoNA group told collaboration key in climate change actions