Outside In Gallery Archives
Stars in The Sky / Estrellas en el cielo
January 23 - May 9, 2021
The Outside In Gallery is MoNA’s Education Gallery, which is dedicated to amplifying the voices of our community. If you are involved with a local organization or group and are interested in co-curating an exhibition in the Outside In Gallery, please contact us at education@museumofnwart.org. Visit the Outside In Gallery Archives to view other past exhibitions or visit our Upcoming Exhibitions page to see what’s coming up.
Outside In Gallery es la galería educativa de MoNA, que se dedica a amplificar las voces de nuestra comunidad. Si participa en una organización o grupo local y está interesado en organizar una exposición en Outside In Gallery, escribanos a education@museumofnwart.org. Visite las páginas Outside In Gallery Archives para ver las exposiciones pasadas o Upcoming Exhibitions page para ver las exposiciones que están por venir.

A special thank you to Tim Mickleburgh for the photos of the exhibition.
Stars in the Sky
The art in this exhibition was created by young artists connected with Camp Korey. The camp, located in the tranquil Pacific Northwest outside of Mount Vernon, WA, is a proud member of Paul Newman’s SeriousFun Children’s Network. Camp Korey is driven by passionate supporters, volunteers and community partners to bring year-round camp programming to children with life-altering medical conditions always 100% free of charge. Since 2005, we have served over 31,000 campers through Residential Summer Camp, Camp to You hospital outreach, and Family Weekend programming, as well as new virtual programs. A Camp Korey experience is transformational, providing a medically safe, welcoming, and inclusive community for parents to connect and for children to have FUN as they enjoy the adventure of childhood!
Estrellas en el cielo
Esta exhibición artística fue creada por artistas jóvenes relacionados con Camp Korey. El campamento, ubicado en el tranquilo noroeste del Pacífico en las afueras de Mount Vernon, WA, es un miembro orgulloso de SeriousFun Children’s Network (red de campamentos para niños enfermos) que fundó Paul Newman. Camp Korey es impulsado por partidarios apasionados, voluntarios y socios comunitarios para traer programas de campamentos a niños con afecciones médicas todo el año y siempre 100% gratis. Desde 2005, hemos servido a más de 31,000 niños a través de Residential Summer Camp (campamento residencial de verano), Camp to You (campamento para niños en cuidado hospitalario) y el programa Family Weekend (campamentos familiares de fin de semana), así como nuevos programas virtuales. Una experiencia en Camp Korey es transformadora. ¡Brinda una comunidad segura para los niños enfermos, es acogedor e inclusiva para que los padres se conecten y los niños se DIVIERTAN mientras disfrutan aventuras de su niñez!
The Outside In Gallery is made possible through generous grants from the Skagit Community Foundation and US Bank.