Creative Connections
Creative Connections connects Teaching Artists with classroom educators (Pre-K through 12th grade) by offering them the opportunity to share their media & expertise with students in a hands-on art lesson. Learn more & check out the Teaching Artist Roster!
Getting Started:
Educators can learn about Teaching Artists in the roster below and use the form at the bottom of the page to request a lesson. Teaching Artists and educators will make arrangements vis-a-vis the scheduling of the 1-1.5 hour lesson and related logistics and inform MoNA Education staff via email when the lesson is scheduled. Educators must remain in the classroom during the session. As the program is in its pilot phase, educators should begin by requesting only one Teaching Artist and priority will be given to MoNA Link teachers. Teaching Artists will be available on a first-come, first-served basis as funding allows. If you are an educator interested in poetry, please visit Poets in Schools.
Teaching Artists will receive compensation for their time, materials and mileage. If you are an aspiring Teaching Artist please refer to the application for more information.
Feedback & Evaluation:
After a Teaching Artist visits the classroom they will be responsible for sending a report complete of photo(s) to the attention of the MoNA Education department. The Museum reserves the right to use this material for promotional purposes and serves as proof of service and will not use images featuring faces of children unless the educator indicates permission is granted by the students’ guardians. The Education staff will also send a digital feedback form/survey to both the Teaching Artist & educator to collect data. For more detailed information or questions: please email education@museumofnwart.org
Creative Connections Teaching Artist Roster
Alan Smith
Draw | Paint | Collage
Age range: High School
Artist, philosopher, educator, farmer, and peacemaker, Alan Smith (Awohali Egbe) draws, paints and assembles art that reflect his passion for life. Whether it's pastel portraits, acrylic landscapes, photography, or abstract collage, he seeks to express his unique connection with each subject. alansmithart.com
Don Wesley
Draw | Collage | Paint | Found Object Sculpture | Animation
Age range: all
Don Wesley is an artist, musician, teacher, and community organizer. Wesley is also a military veteran; having served in the Army from 1988-2006, as well as a graduate from Western Washington University, culminating in portfolios of work for painting, illustration, and graphic design. donwesley.com
Ellen Liu Kellor
Mixed media using nature, repurposed objects, fabric, photo, typography
Age range: all
Ellen is a multimedia artist, social worker, educator & mother with a degree in graphic design/studio art, who enjoys art therapy with intergenerational artists ranging from preschool-100! Foundational themes of exploration include diverse ancestries, family legacy, & our connection with Nature as human animals.
Jessica Gigot
Memoir & Reflective Writing | Sketching
Age range: Grades 5-12
Jessica Gigot's second book of poems, Feeding Hour was a finalist for the 2021 Washington State Book Award and her award-winning memoir, A Little Bit of Land, was published by Oregon State University Press in September 2022. She lives on a little sheep farm in the Skagit Valley. Learn more about her work: jessicagigot.com
Kayla Williams
Mixed Media Collage | Acrylic Paint
Age range: Grades 4-8
Kayla Williams is an up-and-coming artist in the Bellingham area. She uses a combination of collage, painting, and other mixed media to document her own healing journey from trauma, and to share in the collective healing and resistance of folks from various systemically undervalued and underrepresented backgrounds. kwmixedmediaworld.com
Lauren Grund
Draw | Paint | Print | Sculpt
Age range: all
Lauren loves to explore creative expression with age appropriate projects through a variety of mediums including charcoal, pastels, paint, clay, collage, wire, and more. Finds inspiration using basic design principles, nature, and pure imagination. Learn more about her work: @LM_inspired & @LMinspired
Makayla Gay
Creative Writing | Comics
Age range: all
Makayla Gay hails from Southeastern Kentucky. Her poetry, nonfiction essays, and watercolor comics have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Tupelo Quarterly, Adroit Journal, and as a forthcoming collection, HACKLES (GirlNoise Press Spring 2025). Learn more about her work: makaylagay.net
Stella Theresa Ireland
Age range: 4th - 12th Grades
Stella founded & directed North West Children's Theatre (later META Performing Arts) and created programs that worked with up to 500 youth a year. She taught Middle & High School Drama for years and has taught at Skagit Valley College and for Lesley University in their Masters of Ed in Creative Arts curriculum since 2015.