Mel Katz
October 14, 2017 - January 2018
Opening October 14, 2017 - 1pm
Show Runs: October 14, 2017 thru January 7, 2018
Aptly titled Choices, the Museum of Northwest Art presents a survey of artworks by revered Portland-based sculptor Mel Katz. In 1964, Mel chose to move from New York to Portland. Shortly after, he cut into his rectangular canvas to expand his curves beyond the picture frame. Even though he was trained as a painter, Mel chose to become a sculptor. His choice of materials has changed from plastic to wood to steel over the decades. Each choice demonstrates Katz’s willingness to take risks and is owed in part to his trust that the art would find a way to evolve and be liberated from definitions about what art is and how it should be created.
Mel Katz, Open Pedestal, 2006, Painted aluminum, 96” x 36” x 1.75”
Collection of Jordan D. Schnitzer
Mel Katz, Loose Ends, 1966, Oil on wood
Collection of the Portland Art Museum, gift of Dianne C. Anderson
Mel Katz, Patterns, 1983, Polyester, wood (3 pieces), 26” x 14” x 12”
Courtesy of the Artist
Mel Katz, Shelf, 2013, Anodized aluminum, 35” x 67.5” x .375”
2017.550.059, MoNA, gift of Mel Katz and Dianne C. Anderson